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Resources for ai assistant

AI Assistant case studies

Virtual assistant reduces live chat requests by 43% and increases user engagement by 26%

Intelligent virtual assistant Integrates with back office applications including Capita Housing management system

50% of chatbot website enquiries are resolved without the need to transfer to a live agent

eBooks & Infographics

How Cloud, conversational AI, generative AI and data analytics are changing the customer experience

Save weeks of onboarding time with a ready-to-use framework of FAQ topics and questions designed for housing providers

Discover how housing providers can adopt the use of messaging apps to deliver exceptional customer service

Customer Services is at the forefront of AI adoption, and research figures confirm that this is set to continue

Discover how to transform business operations with Customer Service Automation and AI

Discover how organisations can adopt the use of messaging apps to deliver exceptional customer service

Enghouse Chat & Social Connector working with converse360’s Assist-Me Customer Service Platform

​converse360 provide technology to enable organisations to deliver extraordinary experiences across voice and digital channels

Chatbot / virtual assistant videos

Product Guides & Datasheets